Wilhelm Kneitz AG
Herbert-Kneitz-Straße 32
Telefon: 09227 / 60 - 0
Telefax: 09227 / 60 - 111
E-Mail: wkw@kneitz.de
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Home Sustainability SDGs
To create globally sustainable structures, the member states of the United Nations have set themselves 17 goals by 2030, which are set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The SDGs focus on particularly disadvantaged and discriminated against population groups. This is intended to make the world a more just, healthy, peaceful and social place. We also participate in the achievement of these goals.
Learn more about the individual goals here:
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests. The SDGs build on decades of work by countries and the UN, including the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
The first Sustainable Development Goal is the eradication of all forms of poverty, everywhere in the world. The United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda has identified the eradication of poverty in all its forms and dimensions as the greatest global challenge and an indispensable prerequisite for sustainable development. In Germany, the focus for this goal is on the constitutionally guaranteed minimum subsistence level for a dignified life. This is achieved through the principle of the welfare state. It is also important to combat relative poverty, in which social inequalities play a major role. In Germany, single parents and families with more than two children are particularly exposed to a higher risk of poverty. Wilhelm Kneitz AG counteracts these inequalities by providing an adequate income and creating a level playing field for all employees through a fair gender-neutral company policy and an open culture of discussion. Specifically, the following points are worth mentioning:
For Germany, the focus for SDG 2 is primarily on promoting sustainable agriculture and, beyond that, providing all people with access to a healthy and balanced diet. Here, it is not so much the lack of food that plays a role, but rather the moderate use of food to avoid disease-causing excess. For Wilhelm Kneitz AG, this means that employees have the opportunity to eat a healthy and balanced diet at work. Wilhelm Kneitz AG offers the following options:
The focus here is on prevention and education. Wilhelm Kneitz AG attaches very great importance to the well-being and health of its employees. This is achieved through a diverse range of different sporting activities and preventive measures that strengthen team spirit as well as physical fitness. Wilhelm Kneitz AG offers the following to its employees:
To achieve high-quality education, Germany focuses on equal and high-quality education across the entire spectrum of the educational process. From early childhood, through schooling, to vocational and university education, and lifelong opportunities for continuing education. Wilhelm Kneitz AG makes a tangible contribution to achieving this goal with the following measures:
With the goal of gender equality, all forms of discrimination and violence against women should be eliminated. For Germany, the focus is primarily on equal participation of women in the labour market and work-life balance, for both women and men, to enable a partnership-based sharing of family work. With Sibylla Naumann as a female member of the Executive Board, the management of Wilhelm Kneitz AG is 50% female. This is a model of male and female equality. This approach runs through all departments. Wilhelm Kneitz AG contributes to the achievement of this goal with the following measures:
Since access to clean drinking water and sanitary facilities is available almost everywhere in Germany, the focus is more on securing these and improving water quality. The efficient use and sustainable abstraction of water are also a contribution to achieving the goal. In addition to the operation of the sanitary facilities, Wilhelm Kneitz AG also requires water to maintain the humidity in the production plant. The specific measures are:
The availability of sufficient energy is the basic prerequisite for a humane society in which people can live in peace and prosperity. Fossil fuels have been instrumental in causing the greenhouse effect and they are also finite. One of the greatest challenges of our time is therefore to convert the energy supply to regenerative resources in the foreseeable future. As a manufacturing company, Wilhelm Kneitz AG attaches great importance to the topic of “regenerative energy sources” and is a pioneer in the use of renewable energies in production:
The aim is to promote lasting, broad-based and sustainable growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. This means that economic growth on the one hand must not lead to inhumane working conditions on the other. Wilhelm Kneitz AG contributes to the achievement of this goal through the following measures:
The focus is on building resilient infrastructure, promoting broad-based and sustainable industrialisation, and supporting innovation. For the German government, this goal includes the incentive to enable companies to develop dynamically and sustainably through structural and industrial policy measures. To this end, cooperation with stakeholders from municipalities, business, science and civil society is to be promoted. Wilhelm Kneitz AG works very innovatively and with the latest technology. In addition, the following measures are being taken:
Wealth and income are unequally distributed around the world. In Germany, too, the gap between rich and poor has widened. Relative poverty and inequalities within a society harbour great potential for conflict. Therefore, the goal is to enable a fair distribution of wealth and income. Wilhelm Kneitz AG counteracts this inequality by implementing the following measures (partial overlap with the measures for SDG 1):
The goal is to make cities and settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. Cities are the engines of the national economy, culture and innovation on the one hand, but on the other hand, they are also the source of the majority of CO2 emissions and social problems. Wilhelm Kneitz AG is actively involved in social projects, institutions and local events. This form of participation contributes to an increase in the quality of life of the residents of the market town of Wirsberg. Examples include (financial and social) support for the following institutions and projects:
Sustainable consumption and production processes must be ensured. This means consuming and producing in such a way as to meet the needs of all generations (including future generations) without exceeding the limit of what the earth can take. For Wilhelm Kneitz AG, sustainability plays a major role at all levels. The specific measures are:
Immediate action must be taken to combat climate change and its effects. SDG 13 is designed to protect the global climate and is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. Rapid and ambitious action to reduce climate-damaging emissions is essential for global sustainable development. Wilhelm Kneitz AG has already taken numerous measures to ensure climate protection (See SDG 7, 12). The measurable actions are:
The aim is to conserve and sustainably use oceans, seas and marine resources in the interests of sustainable development. Ecologically intact marine ecosystems are crucial to the stability of our climate. Wilhelm Kneitz AG contributes to this goal by:
Without intact ecosystems, there is no basis for any life or economic activity. The goal is to protect and restore terrestrial ecosystems and promote their sustainable use. Furthermore, forests are to be managed sustainably, desertification combated, soil degradation stopped and the loss of biodiversity put to an end. Wilhelm Kneitz AG contributes to the achievement of these aims with the following measures:
Peace and sustainable development are mutually dependent. All people should be given access to justice. In addition, efficient and accountable institutions are to be established. The rule of law forms the basis for functioning democracies and respect for human rights. The specific contributions of Wilhelm Kneitz AG are:
Strengthening the means of implementation and breathing new life into the global partnership for sustainable development. This objective is primarily concerned with the financing of development programs and cooperation between the states concerned and transnational institutions. The goal is thus predominantly at the political and global level. Wilhelm Kneitz AG contributes to the achievement of the goal: